
What is a wehraboo
What is a wehraboo

what is a wehraboo

If that was so, Fury would have probably been a much earlier model M4 Sherman, like an M2 or M4A3, each of which went into production in 1942. Supposedly, they’ve all been fighting together – in Fury – since the North Africa campaign in 1942. In the film, since a point is made in the movie that Collier loves his tank, and he and the crew have named it “Fury” – the name they’ve painted on its 76 mm gun barrel. And he wouldn’t have been fighting a German Tiger TI – but we digress. If the movie was based on a real character – and supposedly it is not – Collier would not have been driving an Easy Eight. In the movie, it was a Sherman M4A3E8, more commonly known as an “Easy Eight”. Trivia question: What kind of tank is Pitt commanding? Don “Wardaddy” Collier ( Brad Pitt) commands a tank with a five-man crew in the storied 66th Armored Regiment in the 2nd Armored Division, as it is invading the heart of Germany in April 1945 – just days before the Nazi surrender.

What is a wehraboo