
Jurassic park dinosaur battles
Jurassic park dinosaur battles

jurassic park dinosaur battles

Every frame is a wonderfully detailed painting, and you need to get this on the biggest screen possible – whether TV or projector.

jurassic park dinosaur battles

Do not – and we cannot stress this enough – watch on a mobile phone or laptop. One of the most iconic and influential sci-fi movies of all time, 2001 still feels incredibly modern today, thanks to its incredible cinematography and practical effects. Yet, around that, we also see the birth of mankind and our own evolution into something greater.

jurassic park dinosaur battles

On a basic level, the majority of 2001 centres on a team travelling through space, only for their robotic command centre to turn evil. Clarke’s short story the Sentinel – breaks down the barriers between lofty, cerebral sci-fi and more accessible mainstream fare. Stanley Kubrick’s seminal epic – an adaptation of Arthur C. Released a full year before Neil Armstrong took one small step for mankind, 2001: A Space Odyssey took one giant leap for cinema.

Jurassic park dinosaur battles