Collectibles that dogs bring home for Sims will not count toward any collection goals in the Sim's skill journals, even if the Sim orders the dog to find it therefore it is not a good idea to send Fido out in hopes of completing any challenge (such as collecting all gem types for the heart cut). In The Sims 3: Pets dogs with the hunting Skill can also sniff out collectibles. If you see a collectible, you can click on it and select 'catch' if it is an insect, or 'collect' if it is a seed, gem or a rock. If the game is paused, the light will not appear, but if the spotter light is already there, pausing the game in itself will not eliminate the sparkling light. Also, if the collectible of the selected type is on the camera bounds and the game is not paused, the collectible will be marked by a conspicuous light that marks the spot. Then, collectibles will appear in the city map.

To use the Collection Helper, the player must first choose a filter.

The lifetime reward Collection Helper can highlight the collectibles on the map. Sims could also earn food by gathering fruit from different trees or by fishing or spearing fish. In order to survive, Sims could gain resources by collecting various debris across the island, such as metal, wood, grass or bamboo. With the World Adventures, it is also possible to transform objects.Ĭollecting, while not defined in the game, did exist to some extent in The Sims Castaway Stories.

With the Ambitions expansion, Sims can also collect Lesser Spirits. Gems, metals, space rocks, beetles, and butterflies are collectibles from The Sims 3.